We love parental support and more importantly, parental involvement in education. We want to provide you with the best resources available. We encourage you to visit your child’s school website and become actively involved in the school community.
School Fees
Student Blanket Insurance
The Blanket Student Accident Insurance Standard Claim Form can be used if a claim has been denied by your primary carrier.
Voluntary Accident Insurance
STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE offers student accident insurance plans for supplementing costs not covered by your provincial health insurance or existing employer extended health and dental plans. These plans are available for purchase by families on a voluntary basis.
For more information see STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE brochure or visit: https://www.studyinsuredstudentaccident.com/compare-plans/
Settlement Workers In Schools (SWIS)
The Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) program is an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada funded program, delivered by the YMCA of Northern Alberta in partnership with the Fort McMurray Catholic and Public School Boards. The program provides newcomer students from kindergarten to grade 12 and their families with:
- Needs assessments and referrals to other support agencies
- One-on-one and group information orientation sessions to help with their successful integration into the Canadian education system
- Workshops to help connect families to services and resources in the schools and the community
- Community connections including afterschool academic support
- Targeted matching with settled immigrants or long-time citizens
- Facilitate communication between home and school
- Advocacy
For more information, you can access their website at https://northernalberta.ymca.ca/YMCA-Services/Housing-And-Employment-Services/Immigrant-Services/Settlement-Workers-Schools or review the Program Brochure.