Doing What’s Best for Kids


Contribute to our Success!

Your donation to Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) helps enhance pre-kindergarten to grade 12 education opportunities.  School-based fundraising campaigns support school activities such as athletic programs, arts, extracurricular, camps, and more!  School and Division organized activities are run by volunteers and are supported by the organizing school or department, therefore there are no associated fees collected for administration of funds raised.

The Board of Trustees of Fort McMurray Public School Division, operating as The Fort McMurray Public School Division is a registered charity.  Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.

Donations can be made easily through our online donation portal.  Please let us know in the comments field if you would like to direct your donation to a specific school, activity, program, project, or FMPSD system initiative.  We also accept donations for the Wood Buffalo U Can Ride 2 adaptive bikes program.

Alternatively, cheques can be made out to The Fort McMurray School Division and mailed to: 231 Hardin Street, Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2G2.

Questions can be directed to Allan Kallal, Associate Superintendent, Business & Finance at 780-799-7900 or by email at

We thank you kindly for your support!

Click here to DONATE to FMPSD Today

photo that says "thank you" with coloured popsicle sticks around it

In-kind Donations of Equipment & Supplies

We are always happy to receive donations and we are grateful for the generosity of our community.  We welcome donations of items such as school supplies or equipment.  For school supplies such as stationery and binders, it is best to contact an individual school directly, as each school manages their own inventory levels. Locate a school in our School Directory.

Questions can be directed to the Business & Finance Department at 780-799-7900 or by email at

The Fort McMurray School Division, operating as The Board of Trustees of Fort McMurray Public School Division is a registered charity. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.  

Registered Charity Number: 10740 8890 RR0001