Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 357: Vandalism


Person(s) destroying, damaging, or losing District property either intentionally or through neglect are responsible for the cost of District property.


  1. The person discovering the break-in or vandalism is to immediately
    1. During normal operating hours, inform the Principal or department supervisor at the office
    2. After hours contact Principal or department supervisor and leave the building
  2. Nothing in the damaged area is to be touched or rearranged until the police have completed their investigation.
  3. The Principal or department supervisor will compile a list of missing or damaged articles. The Principal or supervisor with support from Operations and Maintenance and purchasing personnel will assess and quantify the amount of the damage.
  4. Attention is to be given to the following at all times:
    1. Removal of all monies from schools –
      1. Police investigations clearly indicate that in a large percentage of cases, vandals break in to steal money.
      2. Cash and coin in vending machines are to be removed.
      3. Cash and coin are to be turned into the school or department secretary and deposited as per Administrative Procedure 512 – Cash Management
    2. Leaving all inside doors locked after hours, where circumstances allow.
    3. Students are to be permitted to enter and remain in the building only when they are under the direct supervision of responsible persons.
    4. Reports of inadequate supervision and damage to District property by community groups are to be conveyed to the Director of Operations and Maintenance immediately.
      1. The sponsoring group will be contacted, privileges may be cancelled or a warning issued and the cost of repairing damages will be assessed, to the user group.
  5. Restitution - Damages Caused by Students
    1. When it is possible to identify a student or students who have deliberately or negligently damaged or destroyed District property, the Principal will:
      1. Immediately inform the parent(s) of the student(s) involved in the incident:
      2. Complete a Property Damage Report (Form 357-1) and Work Order for the repair and replacement;
      3. Provide the Director of Operations and Maintenance and Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance with

        i.   copies of incident reporting, witness statements and RCMP reports and;

        ii. whether or not the family/student has been informed and has agreed to pay for the damages.

        1. The Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance, where restitution is disputed, will review budget with the Principal/Department Supervisor and determine whether to proceed or not for the cost of the repairs or replacements.
    2. In cases of minor misdemeanours, or careless acts resulting in damage to District property, principals will assess, together with the Director of Operations and Maintenance, a percentage of the costs for repair or replacement to be borne by the student or students.
      1. The Principal will inform the parents by letter providing the cost of repairs and requesting payment (Copy to Associate Superintendent Business and Finance).
      2. The Director of Operations and Maintenance will be informed and restitution will be based on the percentage recommended by the Principal.
  6. Replacement and Repair of Equipment - Immediately following a break-in or on discovery of a theft of equipment or discovery of equipment that has been damaged as a result of vandalism the Principal or department supervisor will:
    1. Review budget, funds recovered and/or request level of insurance coverage, if any, to support:

      (a) Order replacement of the stolen equipment; or

      (b) Originate a request for repairs for the repair of damaged equipment to the Director of Operations and Maintenance

  7. Damages to third parties by students, such as bus contractors, will be investigated by school(s) administrative teams. The school will work with the third party, and RCMP if involved. The school will keep the Associate Superintendent Business & Finance office current in investigations.