Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 250: Learning Commons


The general goal of the learning commons program is to assist students to become informed decision makers and life-long learners using multiple resources in print or digital formats. The commons area is viewed as a learning hub environment where students receive guidance in the efficient and purposeful use of multiple sources of information with a view to encouraging students to achieve their potentials as engaged thinkers, ethical citizens, and to embody the entrepreneurial spirit.

More specifically, the goals of the learning commons program is to be to encourage students:

  • To develop life-long interest in reading for information and enjoyment;
  • To continue to build and sustain an interest in reading, viewing and listening to a variety of learning resources selected according to maturity, reading and interest levels;
  • To become proficient in utilizing information resources in print and non-print format and the sourcing of copyright and intellectual property;
  • To be able to critically examine, select and judge learning resources geared to their reading, viewing, listening, interest and ability levels; and
  • To develop an ability to become increasingly independent consumers of learning resources in order to meet self-directed goals and needs.


  1. Where possible, the learning commons will be staffed by qualified professionals that are supported through ongoing professional development.
  2. When possible, learning commons personnel are to develop collaborative opportunities with the local public library, post-secondary academic libraries and other learning commons within the Division.
  3. As directed, the learning common is to be an integrated element of a school’s 21st Century literacy program. This is to be reflected in the varied differentiated resources provided, the collaborative school community space, and in readily accessible adaptive technologies.
  4. As directed, the collection of learning materials must remain reflective of the Division’s student population, the varied needs of the learners it serves, and grounded in the currently supported pedagogical practices of the Division.