Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 211: English as an Additional Language


Students who are learning English as an additional language (EAL) require programming and instructional supports to develop English fluency, achieve grade level expectations in English and other subject areas and reach their full potential. The Division is committed to ensuring success for every student, including students learning English as an additional language (EAL).


  1. Students who are learning English as an additional language (EAL) shall be identified and reported annually to Alberta Education. 
  2. English as an additional language (EAL) students will be placed in an age-appropriate classroom and provided an inclusive education program. 
  3. The Principal shall ensure each classroom teacher assesses and monitors the language proficiency of English language learners, plans for language instruction and communicates with English language learners, their parents and their other teachers about students’ language proficiency and academic progress. 
  4. Support for the classroom teacher will be provided by School-based Learning Team, Literacy Coach and/or the Learning Assistance Centre (LAC) teacher, through:
    1. Providing assessment tools, teaching resources, materials to the teacher and/or the students;
    2. Assisting the student to develop fluent English oral, reading and written language skills;
    3. Providing structured opportunities to develop language proficiency and literacy skills. 
  5. The Principal shall collaborate with community agencies, such as the local Multicultural Association, to support families of students who are English as an additional language (EAL) learners, provide translation services, facilitate referrals to community agencies, and to enhance the success of students and their families.
  6. Annual assessment documentation shall be kept on file as per current Alberta Education document retention requirements that supports the coding and funding of these students.
  7. EASL programs may be developed for students who are learning English even though they do not qualify under the Alberta Education definition of EAL for funding purposes.