Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 166: Pandemic Response


The Division, in cooperation with the provincial government and Alberta Health Services, supports efforts to minimize a pandemic and its disruption to the operational activities of the Division. Administrators and staff are expected to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources for the maximum benefit and protection of students, staff and facilities.


  1. In the event that Alberta Health Services identifies evidence of a significant viral or bacterial infectious disease such as but not limited to influenza, coronavirus, and or meningitis outbreak in the region, the Superintendent has the authority to make final decisions regarding crisis response, as guided by the Division Crisis/Emergency Plan. When a state of emergency is declared by a Ministry of the Alberta Government, the particular ministry will have such authority.
  2. The Superintendent will communicate a standard set of response protocols for dealing with a pandemic to ensure that members of administration and staff are familiar with roles and processes in the event of an outbreak.
  3. In accordance with directives emanating from federal and provincial authorities and the consequent circumstances that may prevail, the Superintendent may temporarily suspend the Division’s current practices and operating guidelines.