Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 131: School Day - Inclement Weather and Outdoor Environmental Conditions


There are times when natural weather phenomena or artificially induced environmental hazards may result in atmospheric conditions that threaten the safety of children while they are in attendance at school. In the event of such a circumstance, the Principal must exercise judgment as to whether students are to be allowed outside of the building during the school day.



  1. With regard to colder weather, the following guidelines are designed to assist the Principal with the decision:
    1. When the combined temperature and wind chill register colder than or below -24* degrees Celsius, students shall not be required to go outside during class breaks.
    2. Subject to parental permission (in writing) and voluntary staff supervision, students may access outdoor recesses when the combined temperature and wind chill register colder than or below -24* degrees Celsius, subject to administrative approval.

  2. When the Principal receives information from a reputable authority* that outdoor environmental conditions may pose a risk to the health of a student(s), the Principal shall ensure that the students have the opportunity to remain indoors.
    1. Principals should consult  the Air Quality Monitoring in Government of Canada website, which provides guidance on air quality and activity levels.

*   Note: The Principal will use one weather/temperature source (phone or pc app) for each school site (mutually agreed on with all school Principals). The temperature and air quality will be based on city locale and the nearest weather station to the school.