Doing What’s Best for Kids

Business Administration AP 570: Fleet Management


The Administrative Procedure establishes procedures for departments and schools for fleet management and applies to all fleet management vehicles.


  1. Replacement of Vehicles
    1. Each Supervisor/Principal is responsible for planning the replacement of vehicles within their department/school.
    2. The basic criterion for the useful life of a vehicle is a minimum of 180,000 kilometers, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
    3. Capital reserves for each department are to be reviewed each year. Each year all vehicles’ anticipated life span shall be reviewed and an amount budgeted for the replacement of each vehicle based on its life span and replacement value. The net proceeds of vehicles disposed of will be credited to each department/school and can be used to help offset replacement budget requirements.
    4. Prior to replacement of vehicles approval of the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance is required.
  2. Maintenance of Vehicles
    1. Each Supervisor/Principal is responsible to properly maintain and service vehicles assigned to their department/school.
    2. Items costing less than $1,500 are to be purchased by Supervisors/Principals utilizing their purchasing cards.
    3. The Director of Operations and Maintenance to submit semi-annual maintenance and mileage logs for mobile equipment to the Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance.
  3. Fuel
    1. Cost of fuel is the responsibility of each department/school.
  4. Licensing
    1. Licensing is coordinated centrally by the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance, and charged to the appropriate department/school.
  5. Insurance
    1. Coordination is provided by the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance and charged to each department/school.
    2. Claims are to be submitted by the Supervisor/Principal the day of an accident if possible or at the very least the next business day, to the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance who in turn will report the accident to the Division’s insurer. Submission of claims is the responsibility of the Supervisor/Principal.
    3. Claim deductible is the responsibility of the Supervisor/Principal making the claim.
  6. School Program Vehicles
    1. Principals are to obtain and submit to Human Resources drivers’ abstracts and licenses.
    2. Principals are to maintain vehicle mileage and maintenance logs and submit semi-annually to the Associate Superintendent of Business and Finance.