Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 461: Substitute Personnel for School Based Support Staff


School based support staff provide an integral part of effective program delivery; extended absences in these positions have a serious effect on school operations.


  1. When an instructional support staff person is absent from work, school administration or Learning Assistance Teacher will review the needs of the students in attendance and contact the CUPE casual coordinator, with a request for coverage based on the needs of students in attendance or expected to be in attendance.

    1. Where a learning commons assistant is absent from work, the Principal may arrange for temporary replacement by a suitably qualified person immediately rather than after three (3) days. 

  2. Where an Administrative Assistant/School Based Accounting Clerk or Library Assistant is absent, the Principal will assess the other support staff available to cover the duties and may request through the CUPE casual coordinator for replacement by a suitably qualified person.