Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 450 - Appendix A: Organization Charts

The organization chart serves as a guide to professional conduct in matters pertaining to administration.  It portrays lines of authority and formal communication.  Individuals are expected to go through regular administrative channels in presenting problems, requests, or demands which concern them.  At the same time, it is not the intention of organization charts to hinder communications through excessive bureaucracy.  Provision will be made for access to any level of the administrative organization if requested.  Thus, when the Superintendent is required to interact directly with teachers, it is incumbent upon him/her to bring to the attention of the Principal such communications as pertain to his/her areas of responsibility.  Similarly, a teacher who feels that he/she is unable to obtain satisfaction from the Principal may make representations to the Superintendent, or if he/she is unable to obtain satisfaction there, to the Board.  Professional etiquette requires that the staff or interested parties inform the Principal/Supervisor or the Superintendent of his/her decision to make representations further along the administrative lines. Organizational charts will be updated annually as needed.