Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 354: Possession of Weapons or Potentially Dangerous Items in School


The safety of students, staff, parents and visitors is of primary concern. Students are prohibited from bringing weapons or potentially dangerous items to school unless authorized by the principal for instructional purposes within approved programs.


  1. The Principal, in cooperation with staff, shall develop procedures for dealing with the possession of weapons or potentially dangerous items by students in school and make these known to the student body.
  2. Where a serious threat to safety exists, the police shall be called.
  3. Unless danger is imminent, staff members are not to attempt to remove weapons from a student or other individual.
  4. Where a weapon has been removed from an individual and where it has been necessary to inform the police regarding the possession of a weapon under this procedure, the Principal shall inform the parents and superintendent in writing.
  5. Weapons taken from students or others shall be disposed of forthwith as follows:
    1. Weapons taken from students or other individuals shall be immediately turned over to the principal.
    2. The principal shall contact the police or parents as appropriate with respect to disposition of any dangerous weapons.
  6. Possession of a weapon may, depending on specific circumstances, be grounds for suspension and a recommendation for expulsion, subject to Administrative Procedure 355 - Student Discipline.