Parents/Guardians may request that school staff administer medication or provide medical treatment to a student only when prescribed by a medical doctor, the student is incapable of self-administration, and the parent/guardian provides written consent for the medication to be provided by staff.
The Division is responsible to provide a safe and caring school environment and students have an obligation to attend school. Parents/guardians may therefore request staff to administer medication or support the medical treatment of a student during school hours or activities in order to support the attendance of the student and/or participation in school-related activities. The intent of this Administrative Procedure is to promote the safe administration of medication to students by school staff and to provide for safe self-administration of medication by students.
Requests by parents/guardians for staff to administer medication or provide medical treatment are to be honoured if the administration of medication or medical treatment is to treat a student’s chronic or short-term illness, injury or disabling condition. Further, school staff shall provide equal educational opportunities to students requiring ongoing administration of medication in order to maintain student attendance or participation in school-related activities.
In exceptional cases the administration of medication or medical treatment is to be limited to that which can be provided by staff who have received appropriate training and written consent is provided by the parent/guardian of the student who requires the medication.
Administration means the provision of prescribed medication to any student according to an authorized health care provider.
Medical devices means the equipment provided to the student as authorized by a health care provider. These include catheters, bronchodilator inhalers, insulin injectors, Epi-pen injectors, etc.
Medication means drugs prescribed by an authorized health care provider. It includes prescribed or over-the-counter medications prescribed specifically for the student and provided by the student’s parent/guardian.
- When a parent/guardian requests that his/her child receive medication or medical treatment during the school day or school activity, staff may agree to do so once written parent/guardian consent is provided on the Administration of Medication or Medical Form. (Form 316-1)
Treatment Form (Form 316-1) and the Medical Treatment of Student at School Release Form (Form 316-2) - Division staff shall not provide consent for the administration of medication to students or for the medical treatment of students beyond that deemed necessary to provide basic first aid treatment. In the event of a medical emergency, staff may administer basic first aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to the student.
- The Principal or designate shall maintain a record of all students who have been identified with a medical condition or require medication as documented by parents/guardians on the school’s registration form. This record shall be shared with appropriate staff on an annual basis. Staff must respect the confidentiality of such information and the student’s right to privacy at all times.
- Parents/guardians must supply the student’s medication or device. All parent/guardian requests must be supported by an authorized health care provider substantiating the fact that medication is to be provided during school hours and include the following information:
- Child's name;
- Name of medication and/or treatment provided in the original container or device with the child’s name clearly labeled;
- Dosage or amount to be administered each time;
- Possible side effects;
- procedures to follow in case of adverse reaction;
- Parents/guardians must provide the medication or medical device to be administered by school staff to the Principal in its original container. The parent/guardian is responsible for the replenishment of medications or replacement of medical devices. The parent/guardian is also responsible for notifying the Principal of any changes in, or the discontinuation, of the prescribed medication.
- The Principal or designate can assign a school staff member the responsibility to administer or supervise the administration of medication to students. Once assigned this duty, the staff member must be provided a copy of the parent’s written consent form and a Medication Record Log Form (Form 316-4). Staff members are also to be provided training as needed and scheduled time to satisfactorily perform such duty.
- The staff member who administers or supervises the administration of each medication must document each administration of medication including the date, time, and the staff member supervising (Form 316-4). All medication shall be stored in a secure place.
- Students diagnosed with allergies, asthma, diabetes or short-term illness may self-administer medication if parents/guardians provide written consent and the student is developmentally capable. All students requiring such medication will be expected to assume as much responsibility as possible for learning to self-administer medication. If a student is able to self-medicate, the medication or device shall be kept on his or her person. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the student knows how and when to take his or her medication or use the device properly.
- The sharing or borrowing of other students’ prescribed medication is prohibited among students, staff or parents/guardians.
- If a student refuses to take medication at school, each event must be documented on the Medication Record Log Form (Form 316-4) and parents/guardians must be notified. If the student continues to refuse to take medication, the parent/guardian shall be notified, and the parent/guardian will be subsequently held responsible for the administration of medication thereafter.
- In the event of a student becoming ill or injured and transportation to the local health unit or hospital is recommended, the Principal or designate shall contact the parent/guardian to provide transportation. In the event that the parent/guardian cannot be reached the Principal or designate shall arrange transportation, including use of an ambulance, if necessary.
- The Division has the right to reject a parent’s/guardian’s request for the school staff to administer medication during school hours or school-related activities if the parent/guardian fails to comply with this Administrative Procedure.