Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 280: Evaluation of Instructional Programs


Program evaluation is an essential step toward program improvement.  Programs of instruction from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve within the Division will be evaluated regularly to determine whether the program objectives are being attained in an efficient and effective manner, and whether students are achieving defined program standards and outcomes.  The Superintendent has the responsibility for ensuring that an ongoing schedule of program evaluation is conducted.

The intent of the Administrative Procedure is to identify and develop program and student learning standards outcomes, to determine whether programs effectively and efficiently achieving their desired outcomes, and identify any actions required for improvement.  The process of program review will be referred to Program Auditing.

The major benefit of a Program Audit is to be to those persons directly involved in the program and is to be viewed by them as a major opportunity for professional development.  The key responsibility for the effectiveness of a Program Audit will be at the facility level since qualitative information is best obtained from those directly involved.


program is defined as a structured series of intended student learning outcomes (student achievements) and the sequenced events leading to those outcomes (achievement(s)).  The intended student learning outcomes (student achievements) may consist of:

  • Knowledge (facts, concepts, generalization);
  • Processes, Skills and Abilities (cognitive and psychomotor); and/or
  • Values in academic, physical, and/or socio-behavioural terms.


  1. Evaluation of Division, school and classroom programs will occur regularly throughout the Division, according to priorities as identified in the Division's Program Audit review, and according to emergent needs.
  2. Division, school and classroom program evaluations may include, but will not be restricted to, the following categories of information:
    1. Need/Rationale for the Program
    2. Goals and Objectives/Expected Outcomes
    3. Definition of Students Served/and Placement Procedures
    4. Facilities/Location
    5. Equipment/Resources
    6. Program Content/Instructional Strategies/Curriculum Fidelity
    7. Staff Requirements and/or Development
    8. Evaluation Methods Used
    9. Results of Provincial Achievements Tests
    10. Funding/Budget
  3. Evaluations will be used to make decisions concerning:
    1. The staff development requirements within the Division;
    2. The maintenance, modification or discontinuation of existing programs;
    3. The need for the development and implementation of other programs;
    4. The ways in which existing or proposed objectives should be attained in a more efficient manner.
  4. Final evaluations of Division programs will be available to the public.
  5. Follow-up action reports on completed program audits will be provided to the Board.
  6. Learner Outcomes
    1. The Board, upon the advice of the Superintendent, will establish from time to time a Statement of Learner Outcomes.
    2. The Statement will identify performance indicators, means of measurement, expected standards, roles and responsibilities, and any reporting deadlines.
    3. A report of Division Student Learner Outcomes will be provided to the Board and the public (prior to November 30 for the preceding school year) within three months of completing a program evaluation.