Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 270 - Form 270-2: Home Education Program Plan Form

1. Scope and Location of the Home Schooling Program
Describe the nature of your home schooling program by indicating the subjects to be studied, the hours of instruction in each subject area, and the location(s)/environments (with addresses) where instruction will take place.  Include any proposed school services and facilities, and community services and facilities that could be used. 

2. Outline of Program Studies
Outline the program of studies you intend to follow and describe a typical week in the fall-winter-spring terms. 

3. Instructional Materials to be Used
Identify which of the materials approved by Alberta Education will be used in your program(s).  Also, identify any supplementary materials you intend to use. 

4. Evaluation of Student Achievement

a. Intellectual growth:

b. Social development:

c. Physical development:

d. Emotional development:

5. Uniqueness of Your Home School Program
Clearly describe those aspects of your Home Schooling Program that are unique and are not available within your designated school or the schools of the Division . 

6. Previous Achievement Information (attachments where available)