Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 210 - Appendix A: Ages Funding Eligibility in ECS Programs

Funding Status of Child For funding in an ECS program, the minimum age of the child on September 1 of program year must be the greater of
Severely Disabled Child
Hearing Impaired Child
Mildly or Moderately Disabled Child
Regular Program Child

Developmentally Immature Child
2 years, 8 months or 3 years less than minimum school age*
3 years, 8 months or 2 years less than minimum school age*
4 years, 8 months or 1 year less than minimum school age*
5 years, 8 months or minimum school age*

* The younger of the school entrance age as set.
i. By the Division in which the parents of the child reside, or
ii. In the Education Act, which is six (6) years of age as of September 1.

From Education Act (section 21): Early childhood services programs 21(1) A board or, with the approval of the Minister, another person may provide an early childhood services program to a child who, as of September 1, is younger than 6 years of age, if the parent of the child requests it. (2) A board or, with the approval of the Minister, a person may provide an early childhood services program to a student who, as of September 1, is younger than 7 years of age if both the parent of the student and the board are of the opinion that the program will benefit the student.