Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 140 - Form 140-1: Student Agreement To Comply

(To be completed prior to receiving computer privileges.)

I have read and understood and will abide by the FMPSD "Acceptable Use  of Information and Communication Technology Agreement" which is summarized on the back of this form.  Specifically, a teacher and my parent/guardian have discussed with me, each of the points on back of this page. I further understand that any violation of the regulations above is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense.  Should I commit any violation, (1) my access privileges may be revoked and (2) Division disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

I understand that this agreement applies to both Division-owned and user-owned equipment and resources.

I have been instructed in the principles of acceptable ICT use and etiquette, and understand the conditions for accessing the ICT of the FMPSD. I recognize that my signature is binding.

Student's Signature:  

(Parents/guardians of dependent K - 12 student users must also read and sign this agreement.)

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read and understood the FMPSD "Acceptable Use  of Information and Communication Technology Agreement" which is summarized on the back of this form and have discussed with this student each of the points.  I have discussed the "Student Agreement to Comply" with the student.  I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. I recognize that FMPSD does not employ technology to restrict access to inappropriate content.  Therefore I hold harmless and waive responsibility to FMPSD for materials acquired through, or content accessed on the network.

Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision of the student if and when his/her access of Division ICT resources is not in a school setting.


A copy of this agreement is to be placed in the student's cumulative record file.
Parental Consent is not required for an INDEPENDENT STUDENT (as defined in the SCHOOL ACT) or for students who are 18 years of age or older