Doing What’s Best for Kids

Strengthen Quality Teaching & Leading

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By fostering a culture of continuous learning among teachers and leaders, we believe that student learning needs will be supported.  

We want to ensure the best education for your child, as well as support the growth of our team. That's why FMPSD staff have 13 Professional Learning Fridays to focus on improving their teaching and leadership skills. By investing in continuous professional development, we aim to enhance the quality of instruction and leadership in our schools, ultimately leading to improved student learning outcomes.

Professional Learning Planning Cycle

Effective design of professional learning relies on a review of student learning.  School leaders work with their staff to review student learning results, identify school goals that are coherent with division focus and plan for learning opportunities for the year.

Individual school professional learning cycles are posted on their websites or can be accessed by clicking HERE.

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Feedback on Professional Learning Fridays

To ensure our Professional Learning Fridays and professional learning plans are having an impact we continuously seek, summarize, and follow up on feedback from staff. We want to know, through our surveys, “How do Professional Learning Fridays contribute to continuous improvement of teaching and learning.”  View our latest survey summary by clicking on the image to the left. To see past summaries, click HERE.