Doing What’s Best for Kids


Goal 1: Success for Every Student

Outcome: High-quality learning opportunities for all  & excellence in student learning outcomes.

FMPSD is committed to fostering learning conditions and providing the support required for all students to experience growth in all areas. Based on new elementary curriculum content and focused on the intersection of teacher practice and student needs, we aim to offer increased learning opportunities on learning styles and differentiated instruction. Implementing new curricula and resources is best supported by teachers' practice that addresses the diverse learning needs of students. Approaches such as differentiated instruction and knowledge of students' learning styles can support the conditions for optimum learning for all.

Goal #2: Growth in Literacy and Numeracy Skills

Outcome: High-quality learning opportunities for all  & excellence in student learning outcomes.

FMPSD’s K-12 Literacy Framework and K-9 Numeracy Framework are the guiding documents used to support teachers’ ongoing professional learning.  FMPSD utilizes a variety of literacy and numeracy programs and interventions, which guide teachers through the stages of instruction. Professional learning opportunities focus on enhancing the effective use of data to drive instruction, embed literacy and numeracy instruction across subjects, differentiate instruction, and effectively use tiered interventions to support each learner. 

Goal 1: Promote a comprehensive approach to supporting student and staff wellbeing and mental health.

Outcome: FMPSD schools are welcoming, caring, inclusive, respectful, and safe. 

A key priority for FMPSD is to provide a safe and caring learning environment for students to experience academic and personal success. The local context is such that it has placed our community members in a heightened state of anxiety, students and adults alike. Our data has shown that we need to continue to address Mental Health as an integral focus of practice. Stakeholder engagement has taken place through community education sessions such as Mental Health Podcasts, Circle of Security, Executive Function, The Regulated Classroom™ learning and multiple surveys. Schools and their communities have expressed the desire to continue to remove barriers and continue to support in the area of mental wellness.

Goal #2: Promote practices that support diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.

Outcome: FMPSD schools foster a sense of belonging.

Fort McMurray Public Schools aims to support schools and their community's connections. Hence, students, staff and families experience a greater sense of belonging and positive social and emotional well-being. The division has committed to systemic change with the hiring of an Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator to curate an action plan which supports schools with anti-racism and promotes inclusivity for all. A “We Belong” Committee has been established to develop an implementation plan based on schools and their community’s feedback where action pathways will be created to promote diversity and combat racism. Time has been scheduled within the Professional Learning Friday structure to allow school staff the time for professional learning and implementation of the learnings into educator practice.

Engagement with Schools and their Communities  (staff, parents, students and community members) plays a vital role in shaping education decisions. Input from our schools and their communities, combined with available resources, informs system direction and program effectiveness, supporting continuous progress in all aspects of our work. We engage with schools and their communities throughout the school year via email, social media, newsletters, websites and phone calls. In addition, we gather feedback on various topics through ThoughtExchange.  We also provide opportunities to engage through school activities and events as volunteers and guests.

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Doing What's Best For Kids includes supporting quality teaching and quality school leadership. Teachers and school leaders rely on both division-provided and self-directed professional learning opportunities, informed by emerging research and tailored to the diverse needs of our students. FMPSD models a continuous improvement approach towards designing professional learning, exemplified by our commitment to evidence-based practices and our comprehensive professional learning plan. Educators, teachers, and school and system leaders use aspects of a continuous improvement process in planning for their professional growth and role in supporting student learning.

Click to learn more about our Division's PL Plan

Click to learn more about our Schools' PL Plan